25 Years in International Projects
Dr. Thomas Becker Training & Consulting delivers customized international and intercultural trainings and workshops for executives and teams alike, helping them to deliver value faster and with less effort.
Developing Teams & Culture
We prioritize practical application over theoretical PM guidelines. Our focus is on commitment, clearly defined roles and responsibilities, and providing tailored learning opportunities to achieve these objectives.
Immediately Tangible Results
You can expect immediate, actionable results to enhance collaboration and maximize project profitability in large international and intercultural project settings.
up to 50%
Better Project Profitability
Typically, our workshops and training sessions increase profitability by minimizing avoidable non-conformance costs.
Shorter Project Duration
We assist in reducing project timelines, enabling early value realization through enhanced communication and collaboration with customers and stakeholders.
Participants witness instant improvements in their daily tasks. Managers notice a decrease in complaints and issues, leading to potential cost savings from reduced non-conformance.
We excel in developing learning experiences and engaging workshops for executives and teams.
Welcome to Dr. Thomas Becker Training & Consulting, your global partner in elevating project management excellence and team collaboration. Our customized solutions are specifically designed to empower international corporations with branches and partners across the Middle East and Asia, in international complex projects and supply chains.
Investing in Sustainabiltity
We offer premium workshop designs and training solutions tailored to your business needs. Just as your products have value, our services are an investment in developing your project team members and organizations. This strategic investment yields significant returns in the form of project results.
Maximizing Impact
While we appreciate the efficiencies of remote work and learning, we place a strong emphasis on the added value of in-person interactions. Opting for on-site workshops and trainings allows for quicker project initiation, reduced non-conformance costs through enhanced processes and frictionless teamwork, and smoother engagement with essential stakeholders.
4,9 Average satisfaction based on provided participant feedback
We develop your projects from managing stakeholders to involving them. Stakeholder involvement is crucial for project success in international, complex projects.
Our Services
Our mission is to assist you in optimizing the profitability of your project portfolio. We achieve this by creating professional workshops for your project teams and stakeholders and by cultivating the skills of your project leaders and team members. Let us empower your international and intercultural teams to drive success and maximize project outcomes.
Kick-off Workshops
Onsite, 1 - 2 days
Empower project teams during the start-up of a project with expert-led workshops for efficient project management, stakeholder engagement, and rapid skill development.
Recovery & Crisis Workshops
Onsite, 1-5 days
A crisis workshop engages stakeholders to analyze, strategize, and collaboratively implement solutions, restoring project alignment and momentum effectively.
Senior PM Development Training
Onsite or hybrid, customized duration
High-quality, intercultural training for project managers enhances skills, boosts efficiency, ensures successful project delivery, and maximizes ROI on complex projects.
PM Team Development
Team development fosters effective communication and collaboration, crucial for navigating complexities and achieving success in large international projects.
PM Staff Trainings
Onsite, hybrid
High-quality training for project team members enhances skills, fosters collaboration, and ensures successful project delivery in complex projects.
Organizational Development
Onsite, hybrid
Investing in organizational development enhances agility, efficiency, and innovation, crucial for managing a vast and complex project portfolio successfully.
Who We Are
Dr. Thomas Becker works together with selected partners to deliver high quality, engaging workshops and training solutions, helping teams and organizations to improve their project work.
Our experience can be your advantage: we will challange your approaches because we identify issues quickly based on good practises and proven solutions.
Satisfied Participants
Collaborating with individuals worldwide, we have cultivated a keen awareness of diverse cultural settings while recognizing the criticality of alignment within teams.
Highly Qualified Trainers
The trainers on our team have led workshops worldwide. We partner with skilled professionals known for their outstanding work and profiles.
Case Studies
We're excited to demonstrate our work and what we can accomplish together. Perhaps you'd be interested in viewing some of our successfully completed projects.
Slow Start of a Large Infrastructure Project
When a customer asked us to help getting a project on track, we found the root cause in the project initiation: the team of our customer faced unclear goals, leading to misaligned expectations. Inadequate planning caused already delays, and stakeholder disengagement hindered progress. Limited resources strained the team, and frequent scope changes added complexity.
We designed a project start-up workshop that clarified objectives, created a detailed project plan, engaged stakeholders, allocated resources effectively, and established clear responsibilities. This workshop ensured a solid foundation for project success from the beginning.
Ineffective Team
A international virtual project team struggled to meet deadlines, members lacked clarity on task ownership due to the project manager's ineffective alignment efforts. This resulted in confusion, duplicated efforts, missed deadlines, and overall project delays. Together with our customer we identified several flaws in communication processes but also in a limited committment of the team members.
In a sequence of there workshops we help the team implementing agile methods to enhance task clarity, promote teamwork, and ensure regular communication. Daily stand-ups, iterative planning, and clear roles and responsibilities had boosted efficiency, adaptability, and on-time delivery in the project.
Agile Team Development
Poorly Managed Project Portfolio
In a project organization lacking prioritization, clear project targets, and skilled team members and project managers, projects consistently missed deadlines and exceeded budgets. This led to client dissatisfaction and financial losses. We identified the lack of clear prioritization und unilimited work in progress to be two areas to improve.
After our training and workshops, introducing Kanban to the portfolio enabled visual project tracking, improved task prioritization, and enhanced workflow transparency. We delivered workshops cultivating a culture of open communication that fostered collaboration and alignment, leading to better project outcomes and on-time deliveries.
Process Improvement Workshops
Our customers love us
We deliver high-end trainings and workshops for more than 25 years internationally. Our experience shows in modern and effective training and workshop designs. The impact has been proven by the feedback of your participants and clients.
Can only recommend
It's a 21st century workshop with state-of-the-art content, instructions, tools and techniques on how we should collaborate and network. I will recommended it for all my fellow team members.
Agile R&D training
High quality case studies
The workshop content reflects the current research and real-life information with proper case studies involving stakeholders. The whole content of case study analysis and presentation of participant as highly relevant.
Collaboration workshop
Grateful for my participation
I am very grateful for my participation in this seminar. It was one of the best and most helpful seminars I have been able to attend. Thank you for this opportunity! I wish this for as many other colleagues as possible, as it addresses certain basic structures would enrich our work in many areas.
Workshop Project team development
Would definitely recommend
I can highly recommend Thomas Becker as a speaker without reservation.
Training Senior Project manager
How we like to work
We value collaborative partnerships with our clients. You bring expertise in your project business, while we excel in creating and delivering tailored trainings and workshops that drive tangible improvements in your business outcomes.
Transparent Communication
We believe that transparent and clear communication is essential for establishing a sustainable business and clarifying mutual expectations right from the beginning.
Success Is Teamwork
You are our customer, we are your supplier, the success nevertheless depends on teamwork. We value transparent communication and frequent feedback.
Iterative Development and Implementation
We refine our solutions through regular updates with you and other stakeholders, ensuring alignment and progress for all parties involved.
We understand that selecting an external facilitator and trainer can be challenging, given the often opaque market where budget considerations prevail. However, we firmly believe that your decision should be guided by business needs, not solely by cost concerns. To assist in your decision-making process, we will address some key questions.
What is so special about Becker Training & Consulting?
We have a long and demonstarted experience in supporting projects to deliver with less effort, avoiding waste and with more fun. Our dedication lies in project business as we believe projects will shape our collective future. Supporting project teams is our passion.
Howe much does it cost?
Easy answer: It depends. In most cases, we negotiate a daily rate for our services. The required design time and preparation are calculated transparently upfront, often resulting in lump sum contracts. Please consider necessary travel costs for trainers and participants, taxes and other fees.
How would we start a collaboration?
Give us a call or send us an email, and we will schedule a short-term Zoom meeting. In most cases, you can decide whether you would like to continue working with us after this approximately one-hour call. Even if we decide not to continue, we both may have gained valuable insights, making it a worthwhile investment of time.
Can I be sure that this investment is paying off?
Frankly? No. Success depends not only on our performance but also on factors like commitment, market development, and management support. However, we will define expectations together upfront to prevent disappointments on either side.
Who will be my contact?
As Dr. Thomas Becker collaborates with various experienced partners, you will typically communicate directly with him. Having a single point of contact is essential for building reliable relationships with our customers.
Do you care about Corporate Social Responsibility?
In a nutshell: quite a lot. We strive to minimize our environmental footprint by reducing flights to the maximum extent possible. While we value the benefits of onsite workshops, we offset all our flight emissions. Additionally, we opt for digital materials over paper. We assist our clients in selecting eco-friendly hotels and measure project success not solely based on financial gains (though crucial for sustainability), but also consider environmental and social impacts as significant factors.
Get in Touch
Get in touch for an initial discussion. Even if we discover we're not the right fit, there's always something to learn. Our time won't be wasted.
Ask for a free initial consultation
In most cases, you can decide whether you would like to continue working with us after this approximately one-hour call. Even if we decide not to continue, we both may have gained valuable insights, making it a worthwhile investment of time.
Expect an answer in a day
We'll send you a confirmation along with some short-term meeting options. Typically, we can schedule a meeting within a few days.
Let's talk
We use a simple tool for an initial analysis, and we will provide you with the results afterward.
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